President Modi has begun to turn around the chaotic kleptocracy that was India. Despite his controversial engagements in religious areas, Modi has kept his word to make India an investable economy. While China has dramatically improved its standard of living over the past thirty years, India has made little progress. It seems like the structures, legally and politically, are finally in shape for some improvement.
I have blogged about India elsewhere here. Most of the talented leadership in our tech holdings are of Indian origin and yet I've had little appetite for investing in their home country. Even more, I've recently had the ability to confirm Indian talent - my girlfriend of Kerala origins, with no experience in upholstery or sewing, completely reupholstered an old couch of mine in four weekends. The waiting list for re-upholstery in Bozeman, Montana was three years.
It seems that the best and likeliest investment would be the dominant Reliance Industries, but ADRs from India are scarce. The search is on - especially when I'm sitting on my newly beautified couch!